TAN Function Action Returns the tangent of the angle x, where x is in radians. Syntax TAN( x) Remarks The tangent of an angle in a right triangle is the ratio between the length of the side opposite an angle and the length of the side adjacent to it. TAN is calculated in single precision if x is an integer or single-precision value. If you use any other numeric data type, TAN is calculated in double precision. To convert values from degrees to radians, multiply the angle (in degrees) times -180 (or .0174532925199433). To convert a radian value to degrees, multiply it by 180- (or 57.2957795130824). In both cases, 3.141593. BASICA In BASICA, if TAN overflows, the interpreter generates an error message that reads Overflow, returns machine infinity as the result, and continues execution. If TAN overflows, BASIC does not display machine infinity and execution halts (unless the program has an error-handling routine). See Also ATN, COS, SIN Example The following example computes the height of an object using the distance from the object and the angle of elevation. The program draws the triangle produced by the base and the computed height. SCREEN 2' CGA screen mode. INPUT "LENGTH OF BASE. ",Baselen INPUT "ANGLE OF ELEVATION (DEGREES,MINUTES). ",Deg,Min Ang = (3.141593-180) * (Deg + Min-60)' Convert to radians. Height = Baselen * TAN(Ang)' Calculate height. PRINT "HEIGHT =" Height Aspect = 4 * (200 - 640) - 3' Screen 2 is 640 x 200 pixels. H = 180 - Height B = 15 + (Baselen - Aspect) LINE (15,180)-(B,180)' Draw triangle. LINE -(B,H) LINE -(10,180) LOCATE 24,1 . PRINT "Press any key to continue..."; DO LOOP WHILE INKEY$=""